“Money Can’t Buy Me Love”…

I remember this song from the Beatles – it was a HUGE smash hit way back when. However, while the melody was pretty upbeat and got millions of people dancing, the reality is this: Money and love DO go hand in hand – in a pretty dramatic way!

Or Can It???

Based on my 20 years of experience as a CPA and financial counselor, I believe that couples who CAN have honest, open and realistic discussions about money are 1) happier, 2) more trusting, and 3) realize more of their lifelong dreams together.

How about you?

1) Are you able to have calm, positive and forward-looking discussions about money and your biggest dreams with your partner/mate?
2) How do you feel about the strength of your money knowledge to meet your dreams?
3) Are money-madness issues keeping you up at night, the cause of your fights, stressing you out…with no end in sight?

These are key questions for virtually ANY person – young or old, married or single, rich or working paycheck to paycheck.

Whether you are currently on top of your money game, feeling absolutely overwhelmed with bills each month or living somewhere in between, taking an honest look at how money is impacting your relationships (that’s the Sizzle or Sap part) can DRAMATICALLY improve your life – and those around you!

A few weeks ago, I had the tremendous honor to share key insights and tips on this sensitive, emotional, yet vital topic with the Relationship Fitness Podcast: The podcast link can be found below…

Tom and I covered a lot of information during our discussion, so I made an easy-to-read graphic – which covers the high points!

Click here to view the “Money & Relationships – Does it Sizzle or Sap Yours?” infographic …. with active links to other resources.

Here is the podcast link that you can listen to while you are reading the infographic.

If you would like to download the infographic as a static PDF document (without links), click here!

I really hope these resources are truly valuable to you.  I’d love to hear your comments or questions below!

To your financial peace and well-being,


P.S.  We’d love to hear your thoughts, concerns and insights on Money & Relationships…and let us know what your biggest money question is!

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